2013年10月2日 星期三

Issue Paper:Necessary Sacrifice? The conflict between the public and the private

In the present world, most people live in group, such as family, society, and nation. People know that they can get more power when getting together. They live and help each other. With gathering, people can do more things that they can’t do when they are alone. As time goes on, groups become bigger and more complicated. To manage it well, rules and norms are established to maintain the order and public interest. A person has to obey the common rules in group. However, rules mean limitation to private part. A person can’t always do anything he or she wants to do. People have to sacrifice their own interests or rights for public interest or order. In other words, public interest is built from individual sacrifice. In fact, there is a truth that some sacrifice is necessary. But sometimes, basic private right or interest are violated, and both sides defend their interest, There may be a serious conflict 
        Several years ago, Taipei City  launched urban renewal. During the activity, many people’s houses must be dismantled. The government promised to give the people who agree to dismantle new houses. However, a Wang family disagreed. They protested against the city government and the constructor continuously. On the other hand, some householders agreed with the urban renewal. They moved away from their old houses and waited for the new houses. Nevertheless, because of the disapproval of Wang family, the plan stagnated. Those householders didn’t know when they could go home. Finally, Wang family’s house was dismantled in 2012.
 The incident revealed a noticeable problem between public and private interest. Both sides simply wanted to defend their interests. However, if one of them doesn't make a concession, the other one can’t be achieved. As the rising of individual consciousness, the public power can’t violate personal freedom and right arbitrarily. From another angel, the society is composed of many individuals. The public interests may be considered many individuals' interests. People know to sacrifice their private interest for bigger interest. For instance, the householders who agreed gave up their original houses and removed out. However, they knew they could get new houses. It’s a hard issue to gain the most interest to public with least loss of private interest. Sometimes sacrifice is unavoidable. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch. The problem is how serious it is. I think in present world a person can't just keep him or herself clean and pure. As living in the society, he or she has some responsibility to it. A person has freedom and rights. However, they shouldn't influence or even violate others'. This is an important principle in society that every individual should know. Regardless of agreement or opposition.
http://www.democracyweb.org/majority/principles.php  http://tw.news.yahoo.com/%E6%96%87%E6%9E%97%E8%8B%91%E9%96%8B%E5%B7%A5-%E7%8E%8B%E5%AE%B6%E5%90%8C%E6%84%8F%E6%88%B6%E5%85%A9%E6%A8%A3%E6%83%85-085721887.html

