2013年11月13日 星期三

Annotation 2 Transcription

I think individual have to sacrifice for the society if necessary. In the present world, most people live in groups, such as family, society, or nation. People know they can gain more strength when they get together. They can do more things that a single person can’t do. But, as the time goes on, the group will grow bigger and more complicated. To manage and solidify it well, a common goal and norms must be established to maintain the order and the public interest. That’s the typical form of a society. We must have the experience that our parents or teachers…they tell us that we have to be a useful person for the society or we have to contribute for other people. It sounds like we have the responsibility for the society not only for ourselves. In other aspect, such as garbage collection, we have to throw out our garbage at specific place and time. We can’t just throw out our garbage anywhere, such as road, and stairs. Or we will be fined. It may be inconvenience for individual, but it can bring clean environment. And this is not only for the whole good but for individuals’ good. But… because the public interest doesn’t come into existent groundlessly. There must be foundation for it. It comes from individual restriction. We can’t do anything we want to do. We… have to think about others.
     In my annotation 2, I cite a column from Taiwan 立報(Lihpao Daily). It talks about Wen-Lin Yuan (文林苑) case. Everybody knows that a Wang family’s house was dismantled. And they fought for their right of inhabitation. But there were thirty-six householders… they agreed with the urban renewal and they moved away and their old houses were dismantled. They wanted for the new houses. But, because of this case, they couldn’t come back their home. And they didn’t know when it would end. Actually, I think the public interest is composed of many individuals. And fighting for the interest is human’s nature. No one is willing to lose the rights or interests. So when the majority and the minority fail to meet each other. The conflict will start. But, I think the problems are why we sacrifice our rights and interests for the society. Because it will finally gain our individual interests, so we help the society and it will help ourselves.

