2013年12月13日 星期五

Annotation 3 Transcription

       Hi everyone I’m Tim today I want to present my topic is on relationship between society and individual. Now I want to introduce you a man and his name is John Stuart Mill. He is an Britain in 19th century, He was a liberalism and utilitarianism this mean 功利主義. He wrote a famous book and it’s On Liberty. Today I want to focus on the chapter 4 “Of The Limits To The Authority Of Society Over The Individual”. Actually there is a connection between the last chapter and this chapter. In last chapter, he argued the importance of the individuality and he also knew there would be a potential conflict between individual and society. So, in this chapter, he wanted to explain the way how the two sides get along with each other. One principle is…he said everyone who receives the protection of society owes the return of benefit and it may means there is no such thing as a free lunch. In our daily life, we get many help from others. We can have good classroom and we have good roads to walk. Some people built them and they spend their time and energy and our responsibility is maintaining them and others can also use them. Next is…well, there are two conducts to constraint individual and one is doing not hurt the interests of other people. Well, it’s very important that…everyone wants maximal interest and freedom. But, they shouldn’t hurt others’ interests. For example, a person wants to play karaoke at night. However, other people don’t appreciate it because it will be annoying very much. So, it is banned. It is not right. Next is…everyone in society has to bear a part of labor and sacrifice for it or its members. Well, it’s just like mandatory education or the tax or a man has to be a soldier when reaching the appropriate age. Please tell me do you like them I just mention, mandatory education or paying the tax to the government…Well, I feel you don’t like them. But, it’s not just for self-it’s for the whole good. And if you are educated and you have knowledge, you can contribute to the society. If a man be a soldier, he can protect his nation. It is necessary. Although you may waste your time, your energy, and you can’t do what you really want to do. Hum…but if you don’t want to have any connection with the society and you may live like a hermit. You don’t have any responsibility to the society and you just take care of yourself. And next…although John Stuart Mill approves the value of human right and freedom. He also said that selfless individuals’ contribution is needed. It is like volunteer and a person shouldn’t be too selfish and just cares him or herself and don’t care other people. 
    In my conclusion, there is something that is not easy to solve because…in my annotation 1 and 2 I take Wen-Lin Yuan case for example, and it really shows the hurt on the basic right of inhabitation. It is a problem that what the real society interest is. Well, I know some private interests with cover of the pubic and we know it’s not right and we have to look clearly. But, in my opinion, the genuine matter relates to the public really needs individuals’ participation and devotion and those can make our world better.

