2013年12月23日 星期一

Annotation 4

I have talked some conceptions about the conflict between society and individual. This time I want to talk about a concept which possesses close and direct relationship with two sides. It is public policy. Public policy is created to achieve public interests. Meanwhile, it will bring great influence to individuals. Public policy is in the practical level. However, there are still many investigations about its theory. The following paragraphs will discuss the concept of public policy and the possible situation when it works.
From the word “public” policy, we can know that this conduct relates to common people in a society, not just specific people. Public policy is often considered to possess positive effect to public interest. However, here is a problem shows up. There are countless experts and scholars debate the so-called “public interest” from then till now. British scholar Bentham considered public interest is the maximal accumulation of individuals’ interests and happiness. However, this argument has been overthrown by later scholars. Because of different backgrounds, customs, and personal values, every person may have different way of looking at interest. For example, a person likes object A, but other person doesn’t like it. In fact, public interest is a blur concept and hard to define what it is exactly. It can be various for idea, culture, and time. Therefore, some people even think that public interest doesn’t exist. However, most of people still believe its existence and it needs every person’s attention and care. Making every person in a society has a common consensus about ideal interest is an important way to keep the stability of a society. With this, people can work for a common public interest together. To achieve public interest, public policy is a direct and effective way. It is usually established and executed by lead-class, such as government. Every government in the world highly cares about the public policy issue. It can influence from individuals, society, and even to nation.
 When public policy is executed, some people may think it brings them inconvenience and even harm. They certainly think it’s the violation to their individual interest and try to resist the “public” force. The reason that people resist may be that people can’t adapt to it and feel different from their old custom. Actually, it is a common phenomenon when a new public policy is executed. However, there is no accomplishment without sacrifice. For the public interest, individuals must have to sacrifice and devote themselves to some degree. Because of the “publicity”, a person has to limit his or her freedom and gives up individual interest. However, public interest sometimes involves individual interest. The public interest with individuals’ sacrifice also can gain individuals’ interest. After all, there is a close connection between public interest and public policy. Let every individual understand the importance of public interest and adapt to public policy is the way to make policy succeed and raise the quality of human life.


  1. Wang, Y.S. (n.d. ). The Theory of Environmental Scheme. Retrieved        December 22, 2013, from
  2. Tsai, C.C. & Huang, C.Y. (2002). Agenda-Setting Research on Public Policy : A Cast Study In Taipei. Retrieved December 22, 2013, from http://ccs.nccu.edu.tw/UPLOAD_FILES/HISTORY_PAPER_FILES/366_1.pdf

2 則留言:

  1. I accept ideas about publicity without doubt.You points are consistent with your former works and they are quite logical.However,your article is deficient in critiquing the executers of the public policy,so-called''specialists''.Even though we don't discuss our topic in the era of neo-liberalism,we can see the example from an highly-controversial urban planner,a famous technocrat(技術官僚)-Haussmann.(1)(Who lived in the Mills time)Balzac(巴爾札克,人間喜劇的作者) and Baudelaire(波德萊爾,惡之花的作者) severely critique his transforming city,especially the modernity he represents.Moreover,if we don't critique the specialists,there will be no space for''every person’s attention and care''.Because they simply decide how our lives should be only in their vision.

  2. I like your article because you explain difficult ideas in your own word, which is impressive and easy to understand. And I also think that you may need a stronger claim at the beginning so that the reader will understand your position immediately.
    Besides, I have a question: In what degrees do you think a person can sacrifice for public policy?
