2014年1月16日 星期四

Final paper

The Relationship Between Individuals And Society:
Should Public Interest Builds on Individual Sacrifice?
Cheng-Yung Che (Tim Cheng)
National Central University

This paper is mainly focus on the issue about the individual sacrifice for society, in other words, the public interest. The reason why I want to study this issue is the news in 2012. The urban renewal was launched in Taipei City. Many buildings had to been dismantled to build the news. In the period, some residents refused to give up their original houses. Therefore, a series of problems showed up. The most famous case was the Wen-Lin Yuan case. The Wang family resisted the urban renewal. However, their house was still dismantled finally. Therefore, countless protest activities appeared. I think urban renewal possesses its positive effect for public development. However, the news about this case makes me think about the issues about individual sacrifice and public interest. Which one is more important? Should public interest builds on individual sacrifice? This is a serious issue that the society and every individual should highly take care of it.

                    The Relationship Between Individuals And Society:                                   Should Public Interest Builds on Individual Sacrifice?
In the present world, most people live in group, such as family, society, and nation. People know that they can get more power when getting together. They live and help each other. With gathering, people can do more things that they can’t do when they are alone. As time goes on, groups become bigger and more complicated. To manage it well, rules and norms are established to maintain the order and public interest. A person has to obey the common rules in group. However, rules mean limitation to private part. A person can’t always do anything he or she wants to do. People have to sacrifice their own interests or rights for public interest or order. In other words, public interest is built from individual sacrifice. But sometimes, basic private right or interest are violated, and both sides defend their interest, There may be a serious conflict. 
  Here is a significant case about public and individual interests. In 2012, Taipei City launched urban renewal. During the activity, many people’s houses must be dismantled. The government promised to give the people who agree to dismantle new houses. However, a Wang family disagreed. They protested against the city government and the constructor continuously. On the other hand, some householders agreed with the urban renewal. They moved away from their old houses and waited for the new houses. Nevertheless, because of the disapproval of Wang family, the plan stagnated. Those householders didn’t know when they could go home. Finally, Wang family’s house was dismantled in 2012.
 The incident revealed a noticeable problem between public and individual interest. Both sides simply wanted to defend their interests. However, if one of them doesn't make a concession, the other one can’t be achieved. As the rising of individual consciousness, the public power can’t violate personal freedom and right arbitrarily. From another angel, a society is composed of many individuals. The public interests may be considered many individuals' interests. People know to sacrifice their individual interest for bigger interest. For instance, the householders who agreed gave up their original houses and removed out. However, they knew they could get new houses. It’s a hard issue to gain the most interest for society with least loss of individual interest.
According to Kozlov (1997), individuals' rights should be protected. However, if the individuals violate the interests of the society, the latter one should be concerned first. Every individual definitely has his or her rights and freedom. Nevertheless, there is a prerequisite that a person must not do harm to the well-being and safety of other people, or he or she will be considered giving up the rights that a normal person originally has. People shouldn't always take care of individuals' rights and ignore the whole.
     In today’s world, everyone lives in a big society. It is impossible to live without any connection among other people. In other words, everything a person does may bring about some influence to the people around him or her. Some influence may be nothing. However, some may cause serious problems among people. When the conflict between individual and society relates to fundamental rights or public interests, things will be more complicated. If a person committed a crime, his or her rights may be deprived like the boy in the article. It seems like the punishment or cost after his crime. But, if a person who doesn’t commit any crime, but suffers the threat to his or her basic rights from the society, we may think what is wrong with the society or the person. In the case of Wen-Lin Yuan(文林苑), the Wangs’ house was planned as urban renewal area. They refused that. They hoped their house could be removed from the renewal area. However, the construction company didn't agree with it. With the deadlock between Wang family and the construction company, the whole plan fell into difficulty. Later, the Wangs’ house was pulled down, and the urban renewal kept going. In fact, there was no one got benefited in this case. Every individual has right of habitation. Nevertheless, the Wangs’ and other householders' right were all violated.
     The Wen-Lin Yuan(文林苑) case proclaims that the dispute between society and individuals. Everyone just wanted to defend their rights and interests. Who was wrong? Who was right? Or the laws and policies had problems? No matter what the reason was, people should avoid making the same mistakes and find a solution to such problems.
The conflicts between individuals' and society's interests are hard to solve. Individuals may claim that they have inviolable interests. The side of society may emphasize its priority. No one is willing to make concession easily. How to gain the most interests and lessen violation to both sides? Hsu and Chen (2012) point out that the solution to this kind of conflicts is communication and empathy and finding the balance between society and individuals. Basically, no one is willing to lose his or her interests. The best situation is everyone gets what he or she wants and has no loss. Individuals have innate interests that no one can violate (Hsu & Chen, 2012). People establish society and its norms to bind everyone together. Therefore, they follow the norms that are actually needed for maintaining and gaining public interests.
Generally speaking, society's interests don't come into existent without reasons. It must have some foundation. This foundation just comes from individuals. For example, if people want to manage the garbage collection, they may establish the correlative rules that people can only throw out their garbage in fixed sites and time. Discarding garbage arbitrarily is inadmissible. The cost of this action is inconvenience to individuals. They have to go to specific sites in time instead of anywhere and anytime. That is a restriction, and even a sacrifice of rights and convenience. On the other hand, this measure brings a clean public space. You won't see discarded garbage everywhere. It's not only for society's own good but also individuals'. Everyone shares the public spaces. Sometimes there are some people don't obey the rules. After communication and education, this insubordination disappears gradually.
      Of course the interests are desirable. However, they are not free. Sacrifice is usually necessary no matter what the type is. The problems are how much the cost of a society's policy decision and how much individuals can sacrifice. It can be nothing or a matter of life and death. Society's interests may mean many individuals' interests. When the majority and minority fail to meet each other and want to defend respective interests, the conflicts start. The minority may surrender to the majority. Also, the latter may give way to the former. Thus, it is important to understand the limits of individuals’ right and society’s authority.
In following paragraphs, I discuss the relationship between individuals and society with a book. On Liberty is a book written by John S. Mill. The main idea of this book is to elaborate and approve the value of human freedom and rights. There is a chapter which called "Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual". In this chapter, the author discussed the relationship between individual and society. Actually, there is a connection between the former chapter and the chapter I will focus on. The former one argued the importance of individuality. However, the author foresaw that it would cause friction and even conflict with the public side. Therefore, he elaborated the ways which individuals and society should get along with each other.
First, he admitted that some parts of individual in life belong to society, and others belong to him or herself in this chapter. A person absolutely has individual rights and interests. As they don’t hurt the interests of other people, an individual’s rights and interests can have an inviolable space to work. Many people want to get maximal benefit. However, this sometimes may bring harm to other people. For example, a person wants to play karaoke at night. Unfortunately, this act breaks the silence of others. His or her neighbors won’t appreciate it and that is not correct. Before exercising right, a person has to make sure that people around him or she won’t suffer any inconvenience or harm.
    Even though the individual rights and interests are important for a person, it doesn't mean that people can be an egocentric who only cares about himself or herself. The selfless contribution from individual is needed by society. Every public matter or development needs many individuals’ participation. In this way, the society can gain maximal interests. Besides, an individual who lives in society has the obligation to return the favor to it in any ways. Actually, everyone in society gets much benefit from it. A person may be protected by society or enjoy the use of the contribution from other people, such as public facilities. A person doesn’t have to pay and also can make use of them. Therefore, returning to the society is an individual’s obligation.
     In the modern world, many things are different from those in the era which John S. Mill lived in. In the past, public interest is always superior to individual interest. However, as the raise of concept of human right, more and more people fight against the priority of public interest. This brings many conflicts. Therefore, solving the conflict between individual and society becomes a crucial issue in the modern world. Without doubt, individuals’ interest can be considered a part of public interest. Therefore, how to gain public interest with the minimized loss of individuals’ interest is an important issue for people and leading class.
When discussing the relationship between individuals and society, public policy is an important element among them. A method of government which influences public and individuals very much is public policy, such as taxation and mandatory education. It is created to achieve public interests. Meanwhile, it will bring great influence to individuals. Public policy is in the practical level. However, there are still many investigations about its theory. The following paragraphs will discuss the concept of public policy and the possible situation when it works.
From the word “public” policy, we can know that this conduct relates to common people in a society, not just specific people. Public policy is often considered to possess positive effect to public interest. However, a problem comes up. Countless experts and scholars have debated the so-called “public interest” from then till now. British scholar Bentham considered that public interest is the maximal accumulation of individuals’ interests and happiness. However, this argument has been overthrown by later scholars. Because of different backgrounds, customs, and personal values, every person may have different ways of looking at interest. For example, a person likes object A, but other person doesn’t like it. In fact, public interest is a blur concept and hard to define what it is exactly. It can be various ideas across culture and time. Therefore, some people even think that public interest doesn’t exist (Wang, n.d.) However, most of people still believe its existence and it needs every person’s attention and care. Making every person in a society has a common consensus about ideal interest is an important way to keep the stability of a society. With this, people can work for a common public interest together. To achieve public interest, public policy is a direct and effective way. It is usually established and executed by lead-class, such as the government. Every government in the world highly cares about the public policy issue. It can influence from individuals, societies, and even to nations.
    When a public policy is executed, some people may think it brings them inconvenience and even harm. They certainly think it’s the violation to their individual interest and try to resist the “public” force. The reason that people resist may be that people can’t adapt to it and feel different from their old custom (Tsai, C.C. & Huang, C.Y. 2002). Actually, it is a common phenomenon when a new public policy is executed. However, there is no accomplishment without sacrifice. For the public interest, individuals must have to sacrifice and devote themselves to some degree. Because of the “public”, a person has to limit his or her freedom and gives up individual interest. The reason for this is the limitation of resource. It’s sometimes hard to take individuals and society into consideration at the same time. Besides, public policy is not just the issue of government. There is no completely perfect policy. Every people in a society should take participation into the operation of a policy. People can supervise the formulation and execution of it and help it work toward right direction.
The relationship between public interest and individual sacrifice is a hard topic to discuss. To study it, every element and detail should be cared about. It is hard to judge which is right, wrong, or more important. Protecting Individual interest is also an important part of public interest. However, I think sacrifice is inevitable when developing public interest. Because of the limited resource, if you want to get something, it will cost you something from yourself. Therefore, people should make sure that every way to gain public interest is work in reasonable and proper situation. If individual sacrifice cannot be avoided, it should runs under an acceptable and legal system, and the compensation for the loss is also necessary. Thus a society and its interest can develop toward positive direction, and the individuals can live with the least worry and loss of their interest.

Public interest. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from
Urban renewal. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrieved September 30, 2013, from
Huang, C.H. & Chen, E.H. & Lin, M.F. (2012, March 29). Debate for three years// The Wangs’ house in Shilin is dismantled under the resistance during Wen-Lin Yuan urban renewal. The Liberty Times. Retrieved from
Kozlov, J. (1997). Society’s rights should often take priority over individuals’. Retrieved October 22, 2013, from
Hsu, R.J. & Chen, A.C. (2012). Watch in left and right: How to solve the conflict between individual and public interest. Taiwan Lihpao Daily. Retrieved from
Mill, J.S. (1869). Of the limits to the authority of society over the individual. On Liberty. Retrieved November 24, 2013, from
Wang, Y.S. (n.d. ). The theory of environmental schemeRetrieved December 22, 2013, from
Tsai, C.C. & Huang, C.Y. (2002). Agenda-setting research on public policy: A cast study in TaipeiRetrieved December 22, 2013, from

