2014年1月10日 星期五

Final presentation transcription

       Hi everyone, my name is Tim. Today our topic is “Should public interest builds on individual sacrifice?” I’m on the positive side, and this is my outline. I will present some ideas about individual in a society. And some concepts in On Liberty by scholar John Stuart Mill. And then are the ideas about public policy and, of course, the conclusion. First, when you watch our topic, what kind of images shows up in your minds? Do they look like this? Well, I think, and I hope the answer for our topic is like this. An important thing we should know is that the so-called the “public”, or the society, is composed of many individuals. All of us are the parts of the groups, like family, society, and country. Now, let’s think about it, how should we, the individuals, live under the big groups? If the groups ask you to contribute your money, like the taxing, ask you to hand over your land and even give up your house so that they, like government can build more and bigger houses. Would you willing to do? Would you willing to do? Before answering this question, I want to introduce you a man. His name is John Stuart Mill. He was a famous Britain scholar in 19th century. He wrote a book named On Liberty. I will focus on the chapter four because it possesses close relation with my topic. “Of the Limits to the Authority of Society over the Individual”. The brief meaning of it is what the range that society can interfere individuals. Mill was a liberalist. Thus, he approved the value of individuality. He elaborated his ideas about the relationship between individuals and society in this chapter. As a saying goes, there is no such a thing as a free lunch. If you want to get something, you have to pay something from yourselves. For example, public facilities like roads, highways, we take advantage of them, we think they are convenient. However, those good stuffs are built by the tax we pay. Then, the society needs much selfless devotion from individuals. Well, we live in the society; we cannot be too selfish. We should be concerned other people. Next, we should know that we like something, meanwhile, other people may don’t like it. For example, a person makes sound, like singing, playing the instruments; he or she may think it is OK. However, some people may dislike it and think it’s noisy. If so, the sound maker should stop or make sure it won’t bother others or it hurts others’ interest. Well, this looks alike the previous page I have said. Every citizen bears the responsibility to pay tax, mandatory education. Public policy possesses direct and great influence on individuals and the public. In general, public policy is established to further public interest. Every government in the earth highly cares about the public policy issue. Actually, not just government, every common people should take care of and supervise it. Because public policy influences public interest, it also influences individuals’ interest.
        My conclusion is, do you still think paying tax is sacrifice? If a public policy make you cannot do anything you want to do or even hurt your interest, do you approve it? I know you have the answers in your minds. Honestly, most of things we see are built from sacrifice in many ways. No matter how you dislike it, it’s the truth. Besides, furthering public interest equals furthering individual interest. However, as the raise of individual right and interest, individuals will not surrender easily. Most important of all, both sides, individuals and society, should find a balance, a result that both sides can accept. That’s the very way that public interest gets maximized. Individuality also has least loss and sacrifice.

I: I have something to say, eh…I found that our topic has some relationship between Robert’s topic. I want to know how you think about this relationship.
Knot: We?
I: Yes
Knot: Really? We haven’t thought about it. I think what you say about the labors, they were been not treated very well by the company or government it just like what we say that our government didn’t take care of the minority, so we think the relation is this.
Me: Thank you.

